Crossman is suing the jail for claiming deputies, medical staff and prison officials failed to give him emergency treatment for his bite. Crossman was able to show “classic symptoms” due to bloodborne infection. He had red striations extending from the bite wound all the way up his leg. Crossman’s infected digit turned black from necrosis. The wound began leaking blood. According to the lawsuit Crossman was not given Tylenol or any other antacids during the four-day jail stay despite his increasingly serious medical condition.
Crossman’s attorney Peter Schlueter claimed that an antibiotic equivalent to a dollar would have healed everything. In a telephone interview, Schlueter added, “A dollar’s value of antibiotic would’ve cured everything, plus an inch of empathy, an ounce, and an ounce’ of care.” Sarah Rodriguez from riverside jail Riverside University Health System declined to comment Thursday. She did not disclose what Crossman received in medical care while under sheriff’s arrest. She cited ongoing litigation. Crossman, according a lawsuit, pleaded guilty in order to be released form custody and receive medical treatment. Crossman made his way straight from jail to Riverside Community Hospital. He was then admitted.
Crossman’s right toe was determined by hospital staff to be gangrenous. According to the suit he had the surgery. Crossman was released by the Superior Court after he pleaded guilty to his initial plea. John Hall, the spokesperson for the District Attorney, stated that Crossman plead guilty to the misdemeanor offense of being drunk and was allowed credit for time served.
Sheriff’s Sgt. Edward Soto was also unable to comment Thursday because of ongoing litigation. Brooke Federico, Riverside County spokesperson, stated that she hadn’t seen the lawsuit yet and therefore couldn’t comment. California jails don’t allow books to be taken from small shops. Also, they won’t accept books sent to them from their loved ones. You will have to ship books direct from Amazon.
We strongly recommend that books be purchased only through as well 3rd-party sellers and online bookstores are well-known for cancelling orders to jails and not packing them in compliance with prison requirements.
The national report that revealed that incarceration was largely replacing hospitalizations for the severely mentally ill this summer reinforced what Riverside County had already been experiencing.
According to the Riverside County Jail Utilisation Study that CA Fwd conducted, mentally ill criminals stayed in Riverside County Jails for longer periods and were booked more often. Riverside County jail’s study and the nationwide report also identified a contributing factor in Riverside County’s long-standing, court-ordered limit on jail population. Officials have had to make changes within their system.
Riverside County Sheriff’s Department which manages the jails has been working with Riverside University Health System’s Department Behavioral Health Department to help the mentally ill in jail. Their goal is to provide effective treatment, while reducing recidivism.
Deborah Johnson, deputy head of forensics for Riverside University Health System’s Department of Behavioral Health, said: “When we go to Sacramento on AB 109 when I’m at meetings, we hear that they have some pretty amazing programs.” “I think that we’ll probably get more information from other counties as the country moves forward because all the countries are in dire straits.”